
March 7, 2011

Inspired By...

Here are the things that making me swoon this week.  I sure do swoon a lot when browsing my favorite blogs.

Take a look at these whitewashed concrete eggs made by Vintage Skye.  She says they are pretty messy to make.  She sells them on her Etsy site.

Speaking of eggs, check out these pretty newsprint eggs from Homeroad.  I can think of a million ways to use them.  She also has a bunch of other pictures of faux eggs on this same post.

I came across this wonderful vintage grocery cart on A Decorating Passion.  She had painted it white and her goal is to fill it with vintage tablecloths.  Now, that's a goal I could be very enthusiastic about!

Big entertainment centers are easy to find and they are pretty cheap now that most folks are switching to flat screens whenever they have to replace a TV.  I have been seeing a good many creative ways to repurpose them, but this idea from Fresh Cut Flour takes the cake.  What a cute cute idea!

Here's a wonderful laundry room makeover from Show and Tell.  She made (with no help) the stand for her washer and dryer to sit on.  It holds her laundry bins.  Very nice!

Another laundry room idea came from Beneath My Heart.  She made askirt to dress up a plain old utility sink.  I have one of those and it really needs some help!