
April 23, 2010

Yard Sale Finds

Fridays are officially my new yard sale day.  Saturdays are bonus days - maybe I will, maybe I won't.

Trish and I had pretty good luck at some yard sales this morning.  I think I have made a yard sale enthusiast of her!  Hurray!  It's so much more fun with a partner.

Her biggest score was this pretty $5 quilt from Pottery Barn Kids.  Each square has embroidery stitching around it.  It's in great shape.  The colors are great.  Love it!

My favorite find of the day was this $10 red chest.  It has good lines.  I will likely rub stain or glaze over it soon to tone down the red just a smidge.  No rush.  I'm enjoying the pop of color on the porch.  I may eventually redo it a little nicer and use it inside.  It's a versatile piece - I can think of a number of places it could be used.

Excuse the porch chairs. They are waiting their turn to be gussied up.  My list of projects is getting very long! In fact, my list of projects is getting so overwhelming that I framed this quote to keep me calm:

Rivers know this: there is no hurry. 
We shall get there some day.
- A. A. Milne, Pooh's Little Instruction Book

 On a side note, we put out a few rows of tomatoes.  My sister, Pam, grew most of them from seed.  I haven't looked at her thumbs lately, but I'd be willing to bet they are bright green.  The tomatoes were huge. We planted them extra deep to promote a strong root system.