
October 5, 2010

Screen Door Chalkboard

Finally, I finished (well, almost) a project that I have had in the works for ages. The Screened Door Project.  AND I must say -  it's fabulous!

I have a screen door that belonged to my grandmother.   I intended to turn it into a giant bulletin board.  That didn't work out - I never could find cork large enough to work.  I gave that idea up and decided a chalkboard would be nice.  

My work had been finished for a week or so.  I'd painted both the door and the chalboard backing.
The chalkboard was made from Eucaboard - the front has a smooth surface.

I rolled on Rustoleum chalkboard paint - two coats.
Today, my DH cut out the hole for the electrical outlet and hung the door on the wall.  It's up in my loft.  It's the first thing you see as you come up the stairs. 

 Then I conditioned the board by rubbing the flat side of a piece of chalk all over.

Then I erased.  In the photo above, the top is conditioned, the bottom is not.

Then, I drew a vine on it because I couldn't think of anything profound to write.

I still need to do some paint touch-ups, but it's pretty much good to go.
Yep - I love it!

Be sure to check out my Porch and Garden Party.  It's not too late to join in!

I've joined in with the following parties: