First off, Donna saw the mystery plates I posted about yesterday and knew just what they were. They are snack plates. She said the cups probably went with them - that's what the little hole is for. She was right! They fit perfectly. Thank you Donna! The blogging world is amazing. Someone I've never actually met solves a puzzle for me.
Also, Linda thinks the plates and cups may go with the punch set she has. She'll take a closer look at the pattern in person. They really are pretty little plates. I wonder how many times they might have been used.

I left work early and dug up some sentimental plants from our old house. I dug up some of the Black-Eyed Susans my friend Mary gave me years ago. They've spread like crazy. I dug up what was left of the hostas. Some critter had eaten them down to nubs. They'll come back next year in their new home. I brought along one bit of lantana. Rudy loves them. He calls them the psychedelic flowers. I brought along some heuchera. That may not be spelled correctly, but it's close. They look like a bouquest of fall leaves. I got everything planted at our new house. I should have taken pictures, but didn't. That's just as well. They were looking pretty wilted. The yard is still so naked and sad. I need to be patient and just keep plugging along.

I love having a day when energy and time and motivation combine. Even the weather was on my side. I really accomplished a lot. Now I'm pooped.