Thanks to our wonderful garden, we are having some very tasty meals. There's extras, too, for canning and freezing.

The heat and lack of rain are tacking a bit of a toll. Thanks to the well, we can keep everything watered. We're using a sprinkler right now, but I wish we could figure out an easy way to use a soaker hose or some sort of drip irrigation.

The melons are starting to come in. They are babies now, but they'll be big soon! The okra pods are beginning to appear. Zinnias are starting to bloom. The zinnias are one of our c
ompanion plants.

The beans are needing picking every day. Four of us picked today. The basket Trisha is holding is just what she picked. There were 3 other baskets. Right now beans, squash and cucumbers are the biggest producers.
We've had some tomatoes - 5 or 6. The vines are full. It won't be long til we'll have basket-fulls. We have plenty of peppers, too - banana peppers, jalapeno, bell... Salsa anyone?