This plan is more involved than needed. I'm aware that instead of being impressed, most people just shake their heads and wonder why I went to such trouble. But, for me, I'm faster and better on the computer than by hand. My hand version is a mess and by next year, it would seem like hieroglyphics.

Today we planted cucumbers...
and peppers.
The string and fencing and so forth is our way of letting Jack know what areas to avoid. So far, it's working.
Sweet Jack is doing his part with the garden. He's letting the deer know that this year they need to dine elsewhere.
I feel sad for the deer, but since we're in the country, there's plenty of other things for them to eat.
And woo-hooooo! The corn is coming up. Last year our corn wanted to fall over so we're trying a different technique this time. My dad found it online. I'm not sure what site he went to, but the method on this site is similar:
Plant corn in 4- to 6-inch furrows, firming the seeds and covering them with 1 to 1 1/2 inches of soil. Once the seedlings emerge, fill in the furrow with another 2 inches of soil, being careful not to cover up the plants. As the corn grows, hill the soil around the stems by adding another inch or two of soil every week.
That sounds like it should work to me, but then, I'm not exactly an experienced gardener.