Rain again. The ground is saturated. But since I'm clearly
obsessed dedicated to to getting fit, I got in my morning walk. I started out convinced that my outfit would hold up to the drizzle. A few minutes into the walk, the heavens poured a waterfall on top of my head. I was COMPLETELY soaked. I had to go in and change. I admit, at this point, there was a bit of potty language going on and maybe some mumbling to myself about joining a gym.
The second time out, I carried an umbrella. It was a hassle to carry, but I quickly got over that. I found my happy place and the rest of the walk was fun. I felt the kid in me coming out. In my younger days, before cute shoes were a concern, I loved stepping in puddles. Today, I was wearing rainboots, which are surprisingly comfortable, so puddles were no problem. At first I acted like an adult and dodged them, but soon found myself going right for them and possibly acting a bit silly. Acting silly is so much more fun than being sensible.
Walking was slow. There were many slick muddy spots, so I had to be extra careful. This walk was way more strenuous than dry weather workouts. I'm thinking about complaining to Fitbit. I think there should be a way to earn bonus step points for hazardous walks. I didn't get nearly as many steps today as I would have liked, yet the workout was very good! Surely, my extra efforts were worth a 1000 step bonus, right?
One more funny bit - I was getting close to the end of my walk and it started to thunder. I will walk through rain or snow, but I have a healthy respect for thunder and lightning. Naturally I was at the far end of the property and had to make a run for it.
George: Why are we doing this again? |
We now, apparently, have a creek on the property. |
The pond is overflowing... again. |
This spot was a muddy, slippery mess. |
The water was rushing through this spot. I had fun walking right through it. |
By the way, I am planning to get a rainy weather walking outfit asap. It's great to have a good excuse for buying a new outfit!