A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around.
- John Lubcock ( English Astronomer )
What an appropriate quote for today. It was a dreary, wet day, but I hardly noticed. Friends came to call!
Susan and Martie came in first.

Soon after, Kathy and Rick stopped by.
They all toured the house. It's the first time they've seen it with furniture. They were really kind and came up with creative, nice-sounding ways to describe the shabby furniture in the family room. We ended up with vintage cottage. One day soon I'll post of photo of the furniture to use as my BEFORE shot. You'll see that in it's present state, it's an insult to the vintage cottage look (which I love). But you know, there is a good side to having shabby, comfy furniture and painted sub-floors. Everyone can relax, knowing that they don't have to be careful. I hope that even when things look better and match, my friends will still feel totally at ease.Kathy, Susan, and Martie are all teachers, which is how they all first crossed my path. I've known them all for years - I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends. They are all smart and creative and each has a unique way of seeing the world. I've learned so much from them over the years.
We had such fun today. My only complaint is that the time with them seemed to fly by. Kathy and Rick didn't get to stay long. The school holiday is almost over and they had lots to get done.
Susan, Martie and I went for a quick lunch. The first place we went to was closed and I'm so glad. Martie suggested we eat at Tea Fusion and it was amazing - hands down the best salads in town. They have loads of other creative choices besides salads, but I tend to judge a place by their salads. If they serve tomatoes on iceberg lettuce with a standard dressing, I am unlikely to be impressed by whatever follows. Oh, and the tea... mmmmmm. I had Rooibos Mango Tango. I bought just a little of that to make at home. I hope when I make it, it will help erase the lingering smell of collard greens from New Year's Day.