I have been dreaming of all the things I want to do. This blog is an integral part of those dreams. I have planned to start a blog for some time. I put it off, thinking I needed to do a bit more research on blogs. Which software would be best? How should my page look? Maybe I need to make a fabulous title bar before I actually start. The list goes on. I could have postponed starting the blog forever waiting for everything to be just right.
Forget perfect. I'm ready to make things happen. I'll continue to dream and as I dream, I will put the dreams that feel right into action - even if I don't have the all the details perfectly worked out.
OK. That's all the seriousness I can stand. This is New Year's Day. It's chilly and a bit windy, but beautiful outside. Let's take a walk around our new place.

I'm getting tickled. I'm writing this blog as if I have a ton of avid readers. Right now my readership is exactly one. Me. Oh well. Like they said in Field of Dreams... Build it and they will come.