I'm so easily distracted! I've been dreaming up ways to add a little pizazz to my walker tote bags (which I've decided to continue making). I need more wool pieces before I have enough to do a wool bag with felting.
I came across something I had made with fabric yo-yo's and immediately knew that would coordinate well with some of my fabrics. Plus, it would be fun. I went to the computer and began looking through the world of fabric yo-yo's for inspiration. One thing I came across was this
wonderful pincushion on the
Simply Handmade blog. Ohhhhhh. How fun would this be!?!

Another good find -
Lallee's Cottage has a good video showing how to use the Clover Yo-Yo maker, which is apparently a big hit in yo-yo land. She got my attention because she has an ironing board cover just like mine.

We both got them from
Hestia Houseworks. I can't tell you how much fun is it to iron on a brightly coloring ironing board... especially after years of using an old basic silver cover.