
July 31, 2010

Southern Living Idea House - The Kitchen

Southern Living is a very important magazine here in the South.  If I wanted someone from another part of the country to know a bit about us, I'd give them a subscription to this magazine.  It's THE magazine that you or your mom or sister or best friend always has a subscription to.    They have features on cooking, gardening, decorating, places to see in the South, house plans and more.  Once a year, they feature an Idea House that they built and decorated.  That's always my favorite issue, with the Christmas issue being a close second. 

This year, I nearly fainted to find out that the idea house is in my town.  Senoia.  I am not surprised that it was chosen.  Senoia is a wonderful little town and they are really doing some brilliant development while keeping the quaint old town look that makes the town special.  Senoia is known for movies & TV shows filmed here - 24 in the last 20 years including Fried Green Tomatoes, Driving Miss Daisy, Sweet Home Alabama and Drop Dead Diva.
 These are some photos I took last week.  If it hadn't been so hot, I could have stayed outside and taken some really good ones.  One day, I'll do a better job and post about it - maybe this Fall.

The Abercorn Place Southern Living Idea House is a 4 story brownstone townhouse right in Senoia.  They call it urban living, but urban in Senoia is really a different pace than what you might usually associate with that word.  Just picture urban living in Mayberry and you get the idea.  Tours are available through December 12.  Sometime in October the house will be redecorated for Christmas.  I hope to go back then.

I did the tour a few days ago.  I took lots of photos (which are allowed now that the magazine is out) and I plan to share in the next few posts.

I'm starting with the kitchen.  Enjoy.

This is the view of the kitchen from the dining room.  There are so many things in this view that are wonderful.  I love the table in front of the island.  The seating is wonderful. The light fixture is so perfect for the spot - from any angle.  The colors - greenery and earth tones and the robin's egg blue.  Very nice.

The only thing that guests seemed to have a problem with was the horse's head.  Now, even though I'm clearly on the "wish it weren't there" side, I totally get why the decorator put it there.  The house has equestrian things scattered around the house.  The dark of the horse is good against all that expanse of cream and light.  It provides a bit of whimsy and something unexpected.  But if the house were mine, that horse would go.  Animal heads (even ones that aren't real) make me sad.

 I fell in love with the herb box on the table.  I immediately thought of the salad tables I have been dreaming ofBy the way, I have started some lettuces and spinach for indoor growing.  I came up with some containers and a spot to put them.  I'll post about that soon. I must say, my solution is nowhere near as pretty as this planter.  To me, this planter is hugely important in this room.  Look at the first kitchen photo and try to envision it without the planter and you'll see what I mean.  Greenery adds so much to a room.  I think I need a trip to the garden store.

My heart did a few flips over the color on these chairs, too.  My friend, Martie, and I are smitten with this color family - robin's egg blue, aqua, turquoise, vintage green...  This color is used throughout the Idea House.

These pretty napkins pulled in some more of the robin's egg blue.  Martie found them in a shop in Senoia and bought a set with 4 different birds.  I'm thinking they might be pretty to frame. 

The keeping room is to the right.  The TV is above the fireplace, behind a picture that opens up.

The scullery is to the left.  This room was very intriguing.  It was small, but still very conducive to work.  The refrigerator is there as well as another sink.  There's an incredible amount of storage and enough counter space to make working nice.  When entertaining, a good bit of the mess you make would be just out of view.  I kept picturing myself working in there.  Very interesting.  Or maybe I should dream bigger and picture myself in this house and my wonderful cook, who I love like family, is in there preparing a low calorie, gourmet meal.  

 This rolling pin holder in the scullery was a fun idea.  Sue Ellen said it looked like a gun rack that had been cut down.  There were more available in a shop in Senoia.  One was painted a nice, vintage-y, blue-green - about the color of the handle on the cream colored rolling pin.  I liked it best.

The large window in the scullery lets in lots of light.

The light fixtures throughout the house were beyond fabulous.  Amazing.  Swoon-worthy.  I'm amazed I didn't end up with a sore neck from looking at the ceiling fixtures in every room.

Here are ALL the Posts in this series -
House and Town details plus the Kitchen
The Top Floor - entertainment room and craft room
The Master Suite
The Main Floor - mostly the living room & dining room
Laundry and Children's Bedrooms
Family Room and More

Want more while you wait?  Check these links -
Southern Living 2010 Official Developer Site
2010 Georgia Idea House - Southern Living's site
The Historic Senoia Project
Senoia View of Good Life - AJC article on the Idea House

I have linked this post to the following parties:

Friday Finding Beauty at Dippity Road
Show and Share Day at Just a Girl
Saturday Soiree #11 at A Little Lovely
Weekend Wrap Up Party at Tatertots and Jello
Mosaic Monday at Little Red House