April 20, 2010

I Love a Rainy Day!

Today was a perfect rainy day.  I didn't have to go anywhere.  I was alone in my house with nothing pressing to do.  I was able to enjoy puttering around and doing whatever struck my fancy.

One of the first things I did was open my kitchen windows.  It was fairly warm, but a cool breeze came through.  It was really quiet.  All you could hear was the soft sound of the rain.

I opened the door for Jack so he could enjoy the breeze, too.  He seemed to appreciate it and settled in for a long nap.

Every now and then I made a point of stepping outside to enjoy the moment.  I'm lucky in that it doesn't take much to give me a thrill.  I was quite entertained by the patterns the raindrops made as they fell on the rail of our steps.

My car was happy about the rain, too.  It had been an unattractive yellow from days of pollen.  The rain had reminded me that the car was actually blue.

Since the day was so sweet, I decided a cake was in order.  I made a Brownstone Front cake - the recipe is from my Taste of Georgia cookbook. It's supposed to be made in a bundt pan.  I was in the mood for a layered cake with cream cheese frosting.  I made a mess while trying to frost it.  It didn't look pretty, but no matter - it was very tasty!   It was a sweet addition to a wonderful day.  When the DH got home, he was welcomed by delicious smells and a wife who was blissfully happy!


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